Back to normal today (at least for now). So Gameloft is having this sale on all there games in the Android market which is all well and good but they neglect to mention that the game that people actually want is Modern Combat 3 which is STILL AT $6.99. On the description for each app they do mention that it well go on sale for $0.99 but they do not say what day just that it well be on sale for 24 hours.
In unrelated news, I got this really cool soundbar with a wireless subwoofer which is all well and good but what iLive does not tell you is that the wireless subwoofer uses the same frequency that wifi uses (2.4GHz), WHY!!!!!! They recommend that use put the wireless subwoofer 30 feet away from wifi that's right out the door from my room. Now I no what your thinking, "Then why did you buy it?" Well smarty pants, I didn't. It was a gift from my parents, so now I gotta figure out a way to use it without it interfering with my wifi signal.
So New Year's is fast approaching us. I would normally through a party but this year I have to decided to most likely do NOTHING. I'm not really sure why but that's OK with me, like it doesnt bother me that I could be doing nothing on that day. Oh and for all you 2012er's there is NO scientific evidence that anything well happen on December 21st, 2012! I hate to burst the proverbial bubble but nothing well happen on that day other then the universal alignment. This whole thing reminds me of New Years Eve in 1999 when it was gonna be 2000 and everyone and there mother bought into that shit! When I new from the beginning that ALL electronics default to the first number on the list in terms of years, like if the first year was 1994 and the last year was 1999 on the internal clock it would just defect back to 1994. SO as December 21st, 2012 comes and goes I hope all those naysayers well feel really STUPID!
I also received the best gift this week!! A new COLD, awesome huh!! I was super excited after just getting over it like 2 weeks ago, I got it again, FML!! I would also like to mention people give a listen to Lady Gaga's Christmas Tree song, such a catchy song!!! I can't stop listening to it, It incredibly dirty but that's what makes it such an awesome song!!
Here's a link to it:
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