
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Podcast now in iTunes!!

AND out podcast is now in iTunes!!! Please bare with us as we are learning all this stuff! We get a little carried away and lose track of the time. Other podcast shouldn't be as long. It's a really good podcast though! Stay tuned for Episode 2 where we discuss all things Once Upon A Time the TV show as well as the newly announced spin off Once: Wonderland!!

Mdolla & Roman's Roundtable Podcast EP. 1

Friday, March 29, 2013

Podcast Episode 1!

In this podcast we talk about and review Resident Evil 6!
Made with Roman and me Mdolla!

Podcast Episode 1


Howdy peeps! So as of yesterday I have started a Facebook and Instagram fan page for all things Warm Bodies and Nicholas Hoult for all the Houltaholics out there! Check them out!

In other news I've been. Playing the new Tomb Raider game and Resident Evil 6 on my PC! There both really fun! Well post reviews at some point!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Friday, February 22, 2013


Check me out on Tumblr!!

Preordered and other news!

So I got my preorder in for Tomb Raider and a friend gifted me Resident Evil 6 both for the PC! Super excited, got my new graphics card. I'm really excited for Tomb Raider! It will be nice to play that franchise again. The benchmark for Resident Evil 6 is now available, check it out!

So on another note, I've started using GetGlue. I've never really understood this app but I'm now addicted to it. Checking in to all the shows I watch and obtaining a sticker is fun! Speaking of checking in and fun! I bought Silent Hill Revelation on Blu Ray and watched. It was good, I loved how they actually showed the other world transition outside instead of inside. I liked the ending, but the actor who played Vincent was not really that great. He could never keep his mouth shut, every scene he is in his mouth is open?!

So my sister is supposed to move back home but hasn't yet. I'm beginning to think she really doesn't want to. I'm not really gonna get into that on here with everyone reading. But to make a long story short her "boyfriend" is NOT a good guy AT ALL!! She really needs to leave him and I can't figure out why she hasn't yet? I hope one day she wakes up and realizes this and leaves him! She deserves so much more.

Until next time peeps!

Thursday, February 21, 2013


So I've decided to start doing blog posts more. I hate that I leave so many days inbetween posts. I'm on twitter and instagram like ALL the time you should follow me! My twitter and instagram handle is Mdolla650. So even if I have something stupid to say I'm gonna say it! I got my tax rebate and used the small amount I got to pay my cell phone bill! I had to have a payment arrangement set up earlier this month cause I couldn't pay it. And before you rush to judgement; I lost my job so.....

I've been walking on egg shells the last couple of months. Helping out family and friends for so cash to get by. Some day I'm gonna be famous and all my debt and bills won't be an issue anymore! That my friends is what helps me. Well that and family and friends! You cannot have enough of those at all!! I also hope someday that I get more and more people here visiting my page and commenting! That would freaking amazing!! I would to someday to do video blogs. People seem to really dig seeing into other's lives. My life would make for a great reality show, with all the drama and crap.

I really look forward to maybe someday hearing from ANY follows of my blog. Thanks for following and I also hope that you follow me on Instagram and Twitter! Remember I'm always on there.

Monday, February 18, 2013


I understand that this is gonna be super hard but I would LOVE to try and get into acting! I don't really have experience but I'm also not your average person either. I have it on my bucket list! Number 21, get/try your hand at acting on TV or in Film. I do realize that it's gonna be hard but I'm an open book hollywood!! Im 30 years old but look like I'm in my early 20's! I always get carded at bars and liquor stores. No one believes my ID. I'm not gonna stop trying till I get an agent! I also realize that I'm being super optimistic here but I look at that as a quality! I have potential and this is something I really wanna try my hand at! Cause I know I'll be amazing!

You can be anything you want, this is something that you and me were all told when we were younger. It's totally true, you can be anything you put your mind to! NEVER give up hope on ANYTHING! Keep holding on and you WILL get what you want! Just because I didn't become famous when I was younger like most celebs doesn't mean that I can't become a celeb now while being 30! I hope some agent or a person that works for a talent agency see's this someday and contacts me. Because hollywood needs fresh faces!

So just in case, all my contact info is on my profile, under the about me to the right of this blog post. You can also leave a comment.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Warm Bodies!

Saw Warm Bodies! It was awesome, I totally recommend it!! Nothing like Twilight at all!! If you have the money GO!! The soundtrack alone was freaking great!! Nicohlas Hoult was fantastic and HOT!! His acting as a zombie was really really good!! His makeup transitioned really nicely as the movie went on so did his human side. Like I said if u have the money GO see it!! Amazing amazing film!! I'm totes buying it when it comes out on Blu Ray!!!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Howdy Everyone!!

So I bought an iPhone 5 32gb! The 16 was way to small!! Same color and all that jazz! Got some sweet cases from for super cheap! Totes recommend using there site for cheap cases for all cell phones!