Well it's been along time since I've been posting. Well let's see, I'm still with my boyfriend and my birthday is coming up in the 12th!! He bought me and gave me my bday present early, he got me an Apple TV!! I've been wanting one for like ever!! He is getting kicked out of his place do he might be moving in here with me which is totally cool. My graphics card took a shit and now I'm back to the one my PC came with an ATI 4850 which is still a decent card, thank god I still have my Xbox!
I guess there's gonna be a lot of people here for my bday party that the parental units are throwing for me! I'm really excited about that, the BF can finally meet a huge chunk of my family and friends in one big swoop.
I recently installed Mac OSX on my pc which turned out quite well but I could not get sound working at all, so I went back to windows tell I could figure everything out and maybe try Lion instead of Leopard. There well be screenshots and what not at a later date when everything works.
My review of The Witcher 2 well be posted soon as well. I got my copy a little while ago and have been trying to play a huge chunk of it so I can have a descent review up.